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Lucinda Verwey

Hair Loss After Having Covid-19

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

Hair Salon Talk

Hair Loss after having Covid

Hair loss after Covid

Covid has taken us by storm, so many articles and videos, but have you realised that there aren’t many topics on it?

Hair loss has over the years become more and more of a problem, young people are experiencing hair loss and do not understand why they are losing hair. During this time, I have had numerous clients complaining or worry about the excessive hair loss after having Covid. This is in fact normal. Hair loss is caused by only 3 factors, Genetics, Medical and Medication (such as Covid).

Having a look at the contributors that plays a role that activates the 3 factors are Stress, Diet, Medication and Tension (pulling hair, tight plaits, tight ponytails etc.)

Today we are looking at hair loss due to medicine and medical problems.


When looking at your scalp you will find that your hair is falling out all over the scalp and not in certain places or only one place.

Then look at the medication you have taken in the last 1 to 2 years, see if any of the medication has side effects of hair loss.

Medication that plays a role in hair loss is:

Minoxidil that is found in Blood Pressure medication and acclaimed hair loss products. Minoxidil is proven to be bad for hair loss especially in people that has genetic hair loss which are 95% of men that experience hair loss and 87% of women that are experiencing hair loss. Minoxidil increases the hair growth by increasing the system of which your hair grow, but when you have genetic hair loss the developing stage is most important and the resting phase which when you lose hair needs to be fastened and that way the hair will grow thicker and faster but if all these phases are fastened, the hair will grow the same way and fall out the same way it does at the moment but just faster.

Propecia is a prescription drug that used for male pattern boldness which works for making the hair thicker and blocking the cause of hair loss, but does not clean or prevents the cause of hair loss. Propecia has many side-effects such as libido disorders, ejaculation disorders, and orgasm disorders that continued after discontinuation of the drug, it has been discovered that 20% of men using Propecia has long term to permanent sexual side-effects.

Here is a list of Medication that can cause hair loss:


Covid-19 has played a major role with after effects in patients and every person that has or had Covid has had different side-effects. One of the most common side-effects I have found many people struggle with is the fact that they are losing hair after having Covid. After doing some research I have found that Covid-19 can cause an iron deficiency and anaemia, these are major players in hair as hair needs Iron for iron levels determine the amount of oxygen in your blood and anaemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues. Hair follicles thrive on nutrients and oxygen supplied by the blood vessels that transport blood. Increased blood circulation to the scalp encourages the scalp to increase hair growth throughout the entire head.

After or during Covid make sure to check your Iron levels to ensure you have enough oxygen in your blood to feed your scalp to keep your hair healthy and not falling out.

What can you do?

Here at Dandelion, we are Certified Hair Loss Technicians that does a full consultation and examines your scalp to find the problem to the cause of your hair loss, we use a Micro Hair and Scalp Camera to take photos of your scalp so we can see and show you the results of using Newtrino™ Hair loss products.

Newtrino™ is an Advanced Hair Loss range scientifically formulated to achieve thicker, denser, and healthier hair.

Newtrino™ consist of shampoo, conditioner, serum, and pills that has the following effects on the hair (the shampoo, conditioner, serum and pills plays each their own role in the process) :

*Removes Inflammation

*Blocks the DHT from where it starts

*Oil Glans regulator (balances the scalp)

*Regulates the growth cycle better and for 2 years longer

*Makes hair grow 80% faster

*Creates blood flow

*Creates 121% more denser (thicker) hair

If you would like a free consultation, contact us today. Remember the longer you wait the more likely your hair follicle will die and no matter what product you use that hair will never grow back. The moment you notice you have excessive or more than usual hair loss the best thing you can do is use Newtrino™ to stop hair loss immediately.

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